Image class is used to display one of MUI's standard images or some selfmade image data.
Attribute Ver ISG Type ----------------------------------- --- --- -------------------- MUIA_Image_FontMatch V4 I.. BOOL MUIA_Image_FontMatchHeight V4 I.. BOOL MUIA_Image_FontMatchWidth V4 I.. BOOL MUIA_Image_FreeHoriz V4 I.. BOOL MUIA_Image_FreeVert V4 I.. BOOL MUIA_Image_OldImage V4 I.. struct Image * MUIA_Image_Spec V4 I.. char * MUIA_Image_State V4 IS. LONG
NAME MUIA_Image_FontMatch -- (V4 ) [I..], BOOL FUNCTION If TRUE, width and height of the given image will be scaled to match the current font. Images are always defined with a reference font of topaz/8, bigger fonts will make the image grow (as long as its maximum size is big enough). EXAMPLE The arrows of a scroll bar are e.g. defined with MUIA_Image_FontMatch. SEE ALSO MUIA_Image_FontMatch, MUIA_Image_FontMatchWidth
NAME MUIA_Image_FontMatchHeight -- (V4 ) [I..], BOOL FUNCTION If TRUE, the height of the given image will be scaled to match the current font. Images are always defined with a reference font of topaz/8, bigger fonts will make the image grow (as long as its maximum size is big enough). SEE ALSO MUIA_Image_FontMatch, MUIA_Image_FontMatchWidth
NAME MUIA_Image_FontMatchWidth -- (V4 ) [I..], BOOL FUNCTION If TRUE, the width of the given image will be scaled to match the current font. Images are always defined with a reference font of topaz/8, bigger fonts will make the image grow (as long as its maximum size is big enough). SEE ALSO MUIA_Image_FontMatch, MUIA_Image_FontMatchHeight
NAME MUIA_Image_FreeHoriz -- (V4 ) [I..], BOOL FUNCTION Tell the image if its allowed to get scaled horizontally. Defaults to FALSE. SEE ALSO MUIA_Image_FreeVert, MUIA_Image_FontMatch
NAME MUIA_Image_FreeVert -- (V4 ) [I..], BOOL FUNCTION Tell the image if its allowed to get scaled vertically. Defaults to FALSE. SEE ALSO MUIA_Image_FreeHoriz, MUIA_Image_FontMatch
NAME MUIA_Image_OldImage -- (V4 ) [I..], struct Image * FUNCTION Allows you to use any conventional image structure within a MUI window. The resulting object is always as big as the image and not resizable.
NAME MUIA_Image_Spec -- (V4 ) [I..], char * FUNCTION Specify the type of your image. Usually, you will use one of the predefined standard images here, (one of the MUII_xxx definitions from mui.h), but you also can supply a string containing a MUI image specification. Image specifications always starts with a digit, followed by a ':', followed by some parameters. Currently, the following things are defined (all numeric parameters need to be ascii values!): "0:<x>" where <x> is between MUII_BACKGROUND and MUII_FILLBACK2 identifying a builtin pattern. "1:<x>" where <x> identifies a builtin standard image. Don't use this, use "6:<x>" instead. "2:<r>,<g>,<b>" where <r>, <g> and <b> are 32-bit RGB color values specified as 8-digit hex string (e.g. 00000000 or ffffffff). Kick 2.x users will get an empty image. "3:<n>" where <n> is the name of an external boopsi image class. "4:<n>" where <n> is the name of an external MUI brush. "5:<n>" where <n> is the name of an external picture file that should be loaded with datatypes. Kick 2.x users will get an empty image. "6:<x>" where <x> is between MUII_WindowBack and MUII_Count-1 identifying a preconfigured image/background. SEE ALSO MUIA_Image_OldImage
NAME MUIA_Image_State -- (V4 ) [IS.], LONG FUNCTION Some MUI images offer different states, you can select one of the by setting this attribute. Simply use one of the IDS_NORMAL, IDS_SELECTED, ... values defined in "intuition/imageclass.h". Note: Objects that respond to user input will automatically toggle their state between IDS_NORMAL to IDS_SELECTED depending on their MUIA_Selected attribute. SEE ALSO MUIA_Image_Spec
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